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RedirectToAction method in AspNetCore (.NET CORE) MVC not working

I needed to redirect to different action method after some work in another action method. I did use RedirectToAction but .NET Core MVC application was only displaying blank.

Scenario was:
public ActionResult Method1()
       var temp = (List<object>)TempData["KeyName"];
public ActionResult Method2()
     List<object> obj = {my list of object};
     TempData["keyName"] = obj;
However, application displayed blank page and in URL it was like this "http://localhost/{controller name}/Method2

So, what was the problem? Problem was not in RedirectToAction method. Problem was in the way I assigned data to TempData. To fix the problem, I had to serialize the data before assigning the data to TempData.

Solution for the above scenario:
public ActionResult Method1()
       var temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<object>>(TempData["KeyName"].ToString());
public ActionResult Method2()
     List<object> obj = {my list of object};
     TempData["keyName"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

Thank you for reading this blog. Hope this is helpful.


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